*Question and answer on INBDE

Hi guys, I have been received questions about different topics. I think it may be a good idea to share some questions and answers with you as maybe some of you are too shy to ask. No question is stupid question. Here is the first one of the series.

Q: Hey, Hannah, I’ve read your comparison between INBDE and NBDE part1+2. It was very helpful for me to make my decision. Thank you a lot. Besides, I’m wondering about the study material of the INBDE... Is it possible if we will be obligated to review both: NBDE part 1+2´s material, the two dental decks ect... I’ve noticed that the INBDE is more focused in dentistry skills but how long is the biochimistry or the anatomy part and how should we be preparing it... I’m a little nervous about the preparation, and the lack of old exams which are helpful to orientate the preparation. Waiting for your reply, thank you in advance.

A: Hi, thank you for reaching out. I am glad to learn that my post was helpful. About your question, please keep in mind that I am no master in this new format thing as I only took 1 mock test and that's all ^^ However, I will share with you what I would do if I had to take it again.

First thing first, the test was the combination between part 1 - pure science and part 2 - dentistry related. I did not see any question like "what is the molecule of insulin", instead it was like "you will see a patient today to restore a class II, patient was diagnosed with diabetes type II and you know you will need insulin in emergency kit just in case, why do you need insulin?" (This is not exam question, I just made that up). They try to test on how we apply our knowledge in our daily dental life more than memorizing, memorizing, memorizing.

With that in mind, I would still cover both dental decks but with different approach. I would try to find as many questions online as possible to check if I understand the material right and if I know how to apply it when I see patients. Doesn't have to be nbde questions. There's lots of mock questions out there I believe - the main goal is to check if you really understand what you just learn from books. I would not attempt to memorize those part 1 material - if I don't think it's relevant to dentistry at all (you know those topics where you have to scratch your head and ask why you have to know this). I would make sure I understand and master part 2 as much as possible especially when I run out of time for studying. My motto was - “I have limited time and limited brain so I will try to master whatever I can understand and remember - rather than trying to memorize everything and ending up forgetting it all”.

Last but not least, everyone has different set of questions. One may have more part 1-ish and one may have more part 2-ish. Just like with NBDE part 2, my friends and I had so many pharm questions and no restorative ones while another friend taking exam at same center, same day, same time had none pharm question. Obviously I did it so much worse than that one friend but we both passed. Why? They will compare your result with anyone sharing the same pattern - me with other candidates having the "pharm pattern" and that one friend with others having "restorative pattern". So same thing may happen with INBDE, one could have totally different experience comparing to mine. Just keep that in mind. My advice - keep checking all forums/groups to see anyone else taking the mock exam, reaching out to those to see if they had same experience with mine and deciding for yourself how you would study.

Wish you all the luck. Hannah.

Check out the 2nd post of the Q&A series here

If you have any question, no matter how big or small, please don't hesitate to reach out to me either by sending me a message at the bottom of this page or at our facebook page. Looking forward to hearing from you.